- The course, for which a maximum of 20 places have been offered, includes a total of 1,150 teaching hours, 650 hours of which correspond to the theoretical part and 500 hours to the practical part which will be carried out, in part, on board Logitren trains.
Valencia, 18 September 2023. – The 2nd edition of the innovative Fundación Valenciaport programme for the joint award of the Train Driver’s Licence and Driving Diploma will finally begin on 23 October, so the registration period has been extended until 17 October.
The aim of this course is to jointly obtain the train driver’s licence and the diploma accrediting the minimum general knowledge required for category B certificates. Obtaining the Driving Licence and Diploma together with the corresponding Certificate entitles the holder to drive trains on the RFIG (General Interest Railway Network).
It is worth remembering that last February, the Fundación Valenciaport got the homologation as a training centre for railway staff, becoming the first railway school linked to a port.
The Fundación Valenciaport has announced a maximum of 20 places for this course, which includes a total of 1,150 teaching hours, with 650 hours of theory and 500 hours of practice. The theoretical part of the course will be given at the Fundación Valenciaport facilities, which will give way to 500 hours of practical work, some of which will be carried out on board Logitren trains, a railway company located in the Port of Valencia with whom the Fundación Valenciaport has signed a collaboration agreement for practical work. The rest will be completed with visits, workshops and practical activities in terminals with railway connection, all of this in order to contribute to a better and more specialised training of the students.
The course is priced at €21,500 and also includes two compulsory medical check-ups, unique materials, tablets, rucksacks, jerry cans, personal protective equipment (boots, waistcoats and ear protectors), all the necessary equipment to be able to work as train drivers.
One of the reasons that has prompted the Foundation to launch this course is that there are currently not enough train drivers. Moreover, over the next few years, 4,500 train drivers will be retiring, which means that there is an urgent need for specialised staff.
All the information on the course, as well as the registration form, is available on the Fundación Valenciaport web page: https://www.fundacion.valenciaport.com/curso/2a-ed-curso-de-licencia-y-diploma-de-maquinista-ferroviario/