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Fundación Valenciaport trains Brazilian port sector professionals in energy transition and decarbonisation in ports

  • This new collaboration is part of Fundación Valenciaport’s participation as a facilitator in the Brazilian Alliance for the Decarbonisation of Ports.

Valencia, 25th February 2025. – This week 17 professionals from the port sector and the Ministry of Ports of Brazil have travelled to Valencia to be trained in energy transition and decarbonisation of ports in the second edition of a programme taught by professionals from Fundación Valenciaport and the Port Authority of Valencia (APV).

The background to this training is the participation of Fundación Valenciaport in the Brazilian Alliance for the Decarbonisation of Ports (ABDP), an initiative promoted by the Port of Itaquí together with other Brazilian ports and various national organisations, with Fundación Valenciaport as one of its main institutional supporters.

This programme has the support of the Ministry of Ports and Airports of Brazil, the National Agency of Waterway Transport, ModalWise and the Association of Public Ports of Brazil, ABEPH. Its main objective is to present to the participants the current panorama of the industry in terms of decarbonisation and the new trends in the sector, as well as to present the good practices and innovation projects developed by Fundación Valenciaport, the Port of Valencia and the companies of the Valencian port cluster.

The course, which runs from yesterday until tomorrow, Wednesday, was opened by Antonio Torregrosa, Director General of Fundación Valenciaport; Federico Torres, Director of Ecological Transition of the APV; Ana Rumbeu, Director of Training of Fundación Valenciaport; Jonas Mendes, project director and senior consultant in Port Strategy of Fundación Valenciaport; Cristina Castro, ESG superintendent of the National Agency of Aquaviários Transports ANTAQ and Luane Lemos, environmental manager of the Port of Itaquí and general coordinator of the ABDP.

According to the coordinator of the Brazilian Ministry of Ports and Airports, Marina Cavalini Bailão, ‘this programme represents the strong commitment of the Ministry in the implementation of this sustainability agenda in the ports and maritime transport in Brazil’.

For his part, Luane Lemos affirmed that ‘this programme is very important to level up the knowledge of the professionals who are leading this issue in Brazilian ports and terminals and to bring new paths and opportunities’.

The participants in this programme have had the opportunity to learn about topics such as green hydrogen in ports; electricity supply systems for ships, also known as Onshore Power Supply (OPS); the calculation of the carbon footprint; the development of the decarbonisation plan in ports; climate change and its impact on ports; or the production of renewable energy in port environments, among others, and have been able to learn in depth about the actions of the Port of Valencia in these areas.

In addition to the theoretical subjects, the course included various technical visits, such as a visit to the Port of Valencia, where the participants were able to see at first hand the hydrogen plant developed within the framework of the European H2PORTS project, the spectrographic camera for the detection of emissions, the photovoltaic installations, or the electrified MSC terminal.

On Thursday, the Brazilian delegation will visit the facilities of the National Hydrogen Centre in Puertollano, Ciudad Real.

This course has been a new opportunity to exchange experiences with the Brazilian ports and to identify potential collaborations in numerous fields.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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