
The ultimate aim of the project was to set the criteria and minimum conditions that would have to be implemented in order to ensure the successful development of a Motorways of the Sea (MoS) network, as part of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). In turn, this can be broken down into the following actions:

  • Analysis of a series of potential scenarios for the provision of the TEN-T, which would yield a projected increase in efficiency, service quality and competitiveness of certain intermodal transport chains, as well as of the options for developing the infrastructure and the transport network.
  • Assessment and evaluation of the global impacts and potentialities of the scenarios identified for the optimal development of transport logistics linkages (including the feasibility of implementation), related services and organizational operations in the areas involved.
  • Identify the optimal feasible scenario that could, among other things:
    • Increase the efficiency of different modes of transport and the combination of modes in order to facilitate the future development of the freight transport market.
    • Ensure more efficient and effective future investments in the TEN-T motorways of the sea (in terms of costs, environmental impact, return on investment, for the provision of infrastructure, etc.), in order to achieve the maximum cohesion between the ports and inland economic regions (central and peripheral) through the connection with the existing TEN-T corridors and the priority projects and actions supported.
    • Ensure more balanced cooperation between different investors in material procurement projects, thus producing a framework for sound investments in public-private partnerships.
    • Guarantee seamless integration between the major sea and land routes, and between different modes of transport.
    • Ensure the concentration of freight flows, the frequency, and the reliability of the MoS.

In order to achieve this last objective, it will be necessary to define and develop innovative solutions that cover the relevant aspects in MoS implementation. These include issues relating to marketing, real-time testing of different operations in different intermodal corridors, the assessment of their impacts, and a discussion with market participants as well as with transport policy decision-makers to identify a mix of actions and investments required to achieve an efficient and sustainable MoS network.


European Commission, 7th Framework Programme

DATE: January 2007 - January 2010


CONTACT: Amparo Mestre Alcover
Market Intelligence Director

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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