
The motivation for this project is to contribute to the conservation of the Mediterranean Sea. There are currently several platforms/databases (Copernicus, GEOSS, GOOS, EMODNet) that compile all the  environmental, oceanographic, biological, etc, information on the Mediterranean. These databases only store the data and allow queries to be run.

The objective of Odyssea is to develop a platform that, using the abovementioned data, provides reports which enable the impact of human activity on the Mediterranean to be monitored. It will also allow the data to be used for commercial ends so that the platform will not have to rely on public resources for future support.

In parallel, several observatories will be established in the Mediterranean in order to collect data and analyse the impact of commercial activities (fishing, shipping, tourism, etc.) in these areas.  One of these observatories will be located in the Valencian Community.

The specific objectives of the Odyssea project are as follows:

  1. Develop a platform that facilitates the analysis of data from existing platforms, as well as the provision of new data services focused on the needs of the end user.
  2. Define and develop a system that includes the main parameters that govern vulnerable marine ecosystems, and that help support the conservation of biodiversity, forecasting and real-time management of environmental risks and emergencies.
  3. Ensure better data availability and accessibility in regions that currently lack such data (e.g., the southern Mediterranean).
  4. Expand existing surveillance systems to incorporate new variables, with increased emphasis on the biological dimension.These variables will be used to analyse changes over time in emerging pollutants, such as microplastics, or to determine cetacean distribution patterns in the Mediterranean.
  5. Consolidate and increase the temporal and geographical coverage of biological and environmental data.
  6. Expand and improve the predictive capacity of existing modelling systems, responding to the needs of end users.
  7. Promote the use of marine data by industry, particularly SMEs, thus encouraging greater innovation and boosting blue growth.
  8. Simplify the layout of reports on the monitoring of indicators associated with European policy implementation (e.g., MSFD or the BC Ecosystem Approach); and develop new tools to facilitate the implementation of EU policies and the Barcelona Convention, allowing an ecosystem approach to human activities in the marine environment that in turn will help ensure better management of the marine space.
  9. Create a community of open data providers in line with agreed standards to ensure open access to data.


European Commission, H2020 Programme

DATE: June 2017 - June 2021

LOCATION: Mediterranean

WEB: http://odysseaplatform.eu

CONTACT: Mercedes de Juan Muñoyerro
Innovation and Port Cluster Development

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00



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