In the maritime field, terrorism, illegal immigration, drug trafficking, etc. make it necessary for ports, as key players, to be at the forefront of port security management.
In this sense, the most important Latin American ports have been implementing different security measures, mainly dictated by regulations such as the ISPS code or the North American initiatives C-TPAT[1], Megaports[2] and CSI[3].
But while the physical security of these assets continues to be a priority, in recent years different risk situations have occurred in ports that affect not only the physical spaces, but also the information and communication systems of the organisations.
These are the so-called “cyber-attacks“, which have broken out due to the great development of information and communication technologies, and have contributed to the exponential increase in intangible virtual threats, which are no less dangerous.
These new trends, channels and technological platforms brought about by innovation and digital transformation are modifying business processes without remission, but they are also implying new risks, the cyber-risks. That is why we are already talking about the cyber-security of organisations.
For all these reasons, the Fundación Valenciaport and S2 GRUPO offer the possibility of guaranteeing the security and protection of port infrastructures, jointly developing the first Port Cybersecurity Assessment Diagnosis.
The aim of this initiative is to analyse organisational and technical vulnerabilities from a holistic perspective, combining and interrelating both physical security systems and threats in cyberspace, and providing operators with the best technological tools to detect and identify in advance any incident, attack and/or threat in their facilities.
[1] Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
[2] MEGAPORTS is a project launched by the United States Department of Energy on cooperation for the prevention of illicit trafficking in nuclear and radioactive materials.
[3] CSI (Container Security Initiative) is a US-sponsored initiative to control the content of containers, primarily in the search for illegal arms and drug trafficking.