WATERBORNE TP is an industry-oriented Technology Platform to establish a continuous dialogue between all stakeholders in the maritime sector, such as classification societies, shipbuilders, ship owners, marine equipment manufacturers, infrastructure and service providers, universities or research institutes, and with EU institutions, including Member States.

The WATERBORNE strategic objectives are:

  • To establish a continuous dialogue between all stakeholders in the maritime and inland waterway transport sector and other maritime and inland waterway transport related sectors on R&D
  • To contribute to the widest possible consensus on R&D and concentration of efforts and resources;
  • To develop a common vision for R&D in the medium and long term and a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA);
  • To contribute to the adequate mobilisation and allocation of the necessary financial resources (private/regional/national/EU sources);
  • Contribute to societal expectations for clean, competitive and safe maritime and inland waterway transport and related activities, including education and training.

The Fundación Valenciaport chairs the Ports and Logistics group of this platform and is a member of the Coordination Group.

WEB: https://www.waterborne.eu/

CONTACT: Salvador Furió Pruñonosa
Director of Innovation and Cluster Development

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00



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