Training Offer

Digital Transformation, Innovation and Smart Port Development


Course title: Digital Transformation, Innovation and Smart Port Development

Format: Semi-presential



Language: Spanish

Course objectives

Digital transformation allows organisations to better compete in an economic environment that is constantly changing as technology evolves, and ports and specifically Port Authorities are key players in promoting, driving and leading projects and initiatives that are precursors of the digital transformation of the organisation itself and the port communities they serve.

The general objective of the course is, as stated above, to raise awareness and understanding of the need for digital transformation among staff with leadership skills through the following specific objectives:

  • Understand the functioning of the port logistics sector and the strategic and operational implications of its digital transformation.
  • Know and manage the main concepts and tools necessary to lead, develop and implement a digital transformation plan in your organisation.
  • Identify the implications of managing innovative processes and how they affect business models.

Who it is aimed at

APV management and non-agreement staff, to raise their awareness so that they can contribute with their daily work and ideas, so that both their departments and those with whom they collaborate move forward with determination towards digital transformation.


Subject 1: Introduction to the Concepts of the Digital Age
Subject 2: Digital Strategy
  • Digital Platforms in the Maritime Port Sector
  • Electronic Administration
  • Device and Mobility Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital Compliance
  • Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Blockchain
  • 5G and autonomous vehicles
  • Automation
  • Innovation Planning and Management
  • Open innovation
  • The Fund 4.0
  • New Competencies for Digital Leadership
  • Digital Team Management
  • Management of Change

Teaching team

Professionals from the Port Sector and the Innovation and Digitalisation Sector

Course data

Total hours: 20

Number of places: 18

Grants: No



Fundación Valenciaport
Sede APV - Edificio III
Avda. Muelle del Turia, s/n, 46024 Valencia (España)


Admission requirements:


To formalize the registration you must complete the following form:



Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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