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The I RAIL Project will boost rail freight transport in Europe through digitization and the use of European TAF IST standards for information exchange

Valencia – 30.05.19. Today the first technical meeting of the European project “I RAIL – Interoperability of the rail system with TAF TSI in TEN-T corridors”, coordinated by the Fundación Valenciaport and financed by the European Commission through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme, is being held in Valencia.

The main objective of the project is to improve interoperability in the exchange of information in European rail freight services through the digitisation and use of TAF TSI technical standards (Technical Specification for Interoperability for Telematics Applications in Freight), defined in the Interoperability Directive 797/EC/2016.

The I RAIL project will also allow the digitization of the procedures established by the railway companies in their Safety Management Systems, with the aim of guaranteeing safety in the management of their operations, in compliance with the Safety Directive 798/EC/2016.

The project involves the main players in the rail freight sector (railway companies, infrastructure managers, port authorities, wagon owners, intermodal operators and customs institutions) in Spain, Portugal and Italy, with the support of the European Union Railway Agency and the Spanish Railway Safety Agency.

Ultimately, the exchange of information in a digital and harmonised manner is expected to improve efficiency and quality of service and reduce operational costs, thus contributing to increasing the share of rail freight in Europe.

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Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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