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Fundación Valenciaport joins the PAV’s ECOPORT II project

Valencia – 23.09.19. Fundación Valenciaport has recently signed the document of adhesion to the ECOPORT II project, an initiative led by the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV).

The general aim of the ECOPORT project is to contribute to the establishment of an environmental policy in the Port Community of Valencia in line with EU legislation in this area. The specific objective of ECOPORT II is to facilitate the obtaining of environmental certification and to support the implementation of Environmental Management Systems in the main companies of the Ports of Sagunto, Valencia and Gandía.

Fundación Valenciaport has joined this initiative with the commitment to have an Environmental Management System in place within a maximum period of 5 years in order to subsequently access the final certification of the Environmental Management System with respect to the UNE EN ISO 14.001 standard. To this end, it has appointed a representative of the entity to participate in this project.


On the other hand, Fundación Valenciaport, will participate in the next edition of ECOFIRA, within the framework of a session organised in collaboration with the PAV and which will be held on Thursday 3 October from 13:00 to 13:45 hrs. This session will feature a presentation by Rafael Company, EU Innovation Manager of Fundación Valenciaport, who will talk about the environmental challenges in Valenciaport, with special emphasis on the GAINN, LNGHIVE2 and SUMPORT projects, among others. In addition, Víctor Cloquell Ballester, Professor of Engineering Projects UPV, will give the paper “Evolution of the Carbon Footprint in the Port of Valencia: New opportunities in its reduction” and Miguel Ángel Artacho Ramírez, Professor of Engineering Projects UPV, will present the “Industrial Symbiosis in Valenciaport. A first step towards the Circular Economy.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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