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Preparedness first, security always!

Valencia – 25.09.2019. Last week took place in Porto Cheli, Greece, the kick-off meeting of the European project Cyber-MAR (Cyber preparedness actions for a holistic approach and awareness raising in the MARitime logistics supply chain) in which Fundación Valenciaport participates as a partner.

Cyber-MAR is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme, which will be developed by 13 partners from 8 European countries who have joined together in their vision of promoting preparedness for possible cyber attacks in the maritime port sector as a high priority.

The aim of this project, coordinated by ICCS (Institute of Communication & Computer Systems), is to leverage the use of cyber-ranges (virtual environments used for personnel training and cyber-security research and technology development) in the maritime logistics value chain. To this end, an innovative simulation environment will be developed that is adapted to the peculiarities of the maritime sector, but at the same time is easily applicable to other transport sub-sectors. In short, the aim is to prepare port facilities for cyber-attacks and to train users appropriately.

The Cyber-MAR platform consists of a combination of innovative technologies and is based on the co-knowledge of the maritime port sector. Cyber-MAR will provide a decision support tool for cyber-security, while new econometric and risk analysis models will be developed to quantify the economic and social impact of a cyber-attack.

Through Cyber-MAR, actors in the maritime logistics value chain will increase their level of cyber-awareness and will be able to analyse and measure their potential cyber risk, which will facilitate the development of possible contingency plans. Cyber-MAR will also act as a cost-effective training solution covering the maritime logistics value chain.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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