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The Valenciaport Cluster Innovation Committee active through its working groups

Valencia – 24.10.19. This week the meetings of two of the three working groups created within the framework of the Valenciaport Cluster Innovation Committee, coordinated by Fundación Valenciaport, were held: the “Integral traceability of containers and equipment” group, and the “Access control to the port, terminals and inland warehouses” group.

It should be remembered that the Innovation Committee came into being as a result of the development and implementation of the R+D+i Plan of the Port of Valencia Logistics Community, an initiative led by the Valenciaport Foundation and supported by the Port Authority of Valencia (APV) and the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI).

This project was developed as a strategic tool for the promotion of the innovation priorities of the companies that make up the Valenciaport port community, identifying and analysing the most relevant trends that will condition competitiveness in the sector and proposing lines of action in R&D&I oriented towards the challenges posed in the short, medium and long term. For the development of the plan, work was carried out with the different groups that make up the cluster, as well as with relevant agents of the Valencian science and technology system, subsequently creating the Innovation Committee as the governing body in charge of giving continuity to what was achieved in 2018 by monitoring the progress of the different lines of innovation.

Currently, the Innovation Committee has three working groups that meet periodically at Fundación Valenciaport’s facilities. Specifically, the “Integral traceability of containers and equipment” working group met this week with the aim of making progress in improving the time lorries spend in port and at terminals; providing information on the time of arrival of lorries at terminals; and making predictions of congestion in the port.

For its part, the “Access control to the port, terminals and inland warehouses” working group has carried out an analysis of the different industrial equipment available on the market to speed up the passage of lorries while preserving the safety of people, goods and installations.

The meetings of the “Innovation Committee” and also of the third working group on “Planning and Optimisation of Maritime Port Operations” are scheduled to take place in mid-November.

The objective of the third working group is to increase the efficiency and productivity of the approach and berthing/unberthing operations of ships, which translates into better synchronised calls and a reduction in the times of operation and stay of the ship in port.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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