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The Fundación Valenciaport participates in the NEMO project, which aims to improve air quality and reduce noise impact in cities in the European Union

  • The NEMO project involves eighteen partners from eleven countries and has a budget of around 6,500,000 euros.
  • The solutions developed during the project will be demonstrated in three cities (Florence, Madrid and Valencia) and on one railway line. In the case of Valencia, the pilot will be carried out in the Port, and will cover both the railway and the maritime part.

Valencia – 26.05.20. This morning the kick-off meeting of the NEMO (Noise and Emissions MOnitoring and radical mitigation) project took place, an initiative co-financed by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme that has brought together eighteen partners from eleven countries with the common objective of creating a global and scalable solution to improve air quality and reduce noise impact in EU cities.

This project, led by the Cartif Foundation and in which the Fundación Valenciaport participates, has a total budget of around 6,500,000 euros and is expected to be developed over a period of 36 months, ending in April 2023.

The NEMO concept focuses on the development (hardware, infrastructure and software) of a new and reliable remote sensing system to measure emissions and noise produced by traffic. The developed solution will be integrated into road, rail and maritime infrastructures to make it standardized, easier to use and able to operate unattended for uninterrupted surveillance.

NEMO has a two-dimensional approach in order to achieve a high impact. On the one hand, the project proposes the development of a new and improved autonomous remote sensing system that will identify the vehicles that produce noise and air pollution, making this information available to the toll or access systems. The solution will be able to be completely integrated in the road/rail/sea infrastructure and will have the tools available to communicate with the data structure of operators and authorities.

On the other hand, the project will develop a comprehensive solution to mitigate noise and emissions from circulating vehicles, which will include the optimization of pavement texture and the design of a multifunctional barrier by combining innovative technologies.

The Fundación Valenciaport will coordinate one of the pilots, in which the solutions developed in the project will be tested at the port’s maritime interface.

NEMO has partners from Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Denmark, Belgium and Austria, among which are the Spanish entities: Fundación Cartif (coordinator), Fundación Valenciaport, Universidad de Cantabria, Opus RS Europe, S.L and Audiotec Ingeniería Acústica, S.A.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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