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The Port of Valencia and the Generalitat Valenciana promote the first Dual Vocational Training project in a port entity

  • The students who participate in this project will obtain an internship contract with a remuneration of 800 euros/month during the 4 months of dual training.

Valencia, 15.07.20.- The Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), through the Fundación Valenciaport and in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana (GVA), has launched the project “Dual Vocational Training – Port Immersion”, a pioneering initiative in the sector involving companies in the cluster and secondary schools with the main aim of adjusting training to meet the real labour needs of companies in the sector and to facilitate the integration of young people into the labour market.

Thanks to this project, students from the Higher Degrees of International Trade and Transport and Logistics will be trained as freight forwarders and consignee agents. These students will also be offered an internship contract with a remuneration of 800 euros/month during the 4 months of dual training. The students will receive a total of 3,000 hours of training distributed as follows: 2,000 hours at the institute, 400 hours FCT (Training in the Workplace), 200 hours of Port Immersion, which will be given in the facilities of the Fundación Valenciaport and 400 hours of internship in companies in the sector.

The training centres that will start implementing, from next September, this initiative are Luis Suñer Sanchís, Pere Boïl and the Instituto de Educación Secundaria de Abastos.

This project was presented yesterday to the members of the Association of Logistics Managers and Entrepreneurs Propeller Valencia, collaborators and promoters of this initiative, during the talk organized with the general director of PAV, Francesc Sánchez.


Dual Vocational Training is a learning method that combines the training provided at educational centres with the practical training that students acquire in the company, improving students’ labour skills and opportunities for labour integration.

Some of the advantages for the company are that it can create apprenticeship positions adapted to its needs, save time in the process of hiring and training new employees, save initial training costs for new employees, as well as facilitate the generational change in the company.

Photo caption: From left to right: Antonio Torregrosa, General Director of Fundación Valenciaport; Ascen Gigante, Technical Advisor of the Regional Ministry of Education; Carmen Navarro, Deputy Director of Professional Education of the Regional Ministry of Education and Ana Rumbeu, Director of Training of Fundación Valenciaport, during the presentation of this project to the members of the Propeller Valencia association yesterday.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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