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Fundación Valenciaport participates in the BOOSTLOG project that will improve the R+D+i ecosystem of freight transport and logistics

  • The BOOSTLOG project, which will enhance the impact of R&D&I in support of EU policy objectives towards decarbonisation, emission reduction and congestion reduction, has a budget of €1 million and a consortium of 13 partners from 7 European countries.

Valencia – 18.02.21. The kick-off meeting of the BOOSTLOG project (Boosting impact generation from research and innovation on integrated freight transport and logistics system) was held this morning. This initiative, co-financed by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission, led by the ALICE technology platform and in which Fundación Valenciaport participates, has as its main objectives the improvement of the current R&D&I ecosystem of freight transport and logistics at regional, national and European level, as well as the introduction of technological and organisational innovations to achieve a more efficient, integrated, harmonised and sustainable freight transport and logistics system.

The BOOSTLOG project, which has a budget of around €1 million, will enhance the impact of R&D&I in support of European Union (EU) policy objectives towards decarbonisation, reducing emissions and congestion, ensuring freight mobility and the digitisation of the sector.

To achieve these strategic objectives, BOOSTLOG will consider the following specific objectives:

– To identify main EU funded projects results, outcomes and implementation cases making them visible and actionable for end users of multimodal end-to-end freight transport chains.

Overcome barriers for R&D deployment, accelerate the innovation uptake and examine which areas of research have achieved higher impact.

– Identify and prioritise R&I gaps in the logistics research landscape.

Boost impact of the project outputs towards end users of the freight transport and logistics system, establishing collaboration frameworks for the exchange of best practices in freight transport and logistics R&I at regional, national, European level, engaging with other relevant stakeholders.

The BOOSTLOG project will map the 163 most relevant EU-funded R&D projects since FP5 in the different areas of logistics; increase the visibility of the project’s main results, products and implementation cases through the ALICE technology platform; and publish comprehensive reports on urban logistics; logistics nodes; multimodal freight, transport corridors and networks; freight and logistics data exchange; logistics coordination and collaboration; and modularisation and transhipment.

Project Consortium:

BOOSTLOG involves thirteen partners from 7 European countries: ALICE – Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe; Stichting Smart Freight Centre; Stichting Tki Logistiek and Technische Universiteit Delft (Netherlands); Fundación Valenciaport and Fundación Zaragoza Logistics Center (Spain); Hacon Ingenieurgesellschaft MBH and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. (Germany); Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (Greece); Vlaams Instituut Voor de Logistiek VZW and ERTICO ITS Europe (Belgium); FIT Consulting SRL (Italy) and Lindholmen Science Park Aktiebolag (Sweden).

Awards for the best R&D projects

The BOOSTLOG consortium will launch a series of awards to recognise successful innovation deployment based on the results of EU-funded R&D projects and innovation pioneers. The awards will promote these cases widely among different stakeholders. The aim is to develop and implement more innovative solutions and to demonstrate the benefits of EU funding for innovation in the sector. The awards will be a great opportunity to showcase examples of success, thereby increasing the opportunities for governments to invest in R&D to create value for society.

Public event to launch the project

A public launch event for the BOOSTLOG project will be held on 26 March. This event will be held in a virtual format and will be open to all those interested in logistics, especially those working in areas related to sustainability and innovation.

* More information about the event and registration:

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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