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Fundación Valenciaport and the Generalitat Valenciana present the Dual Vocational Training – Port Immersion to high schools

Valencia – 26.03.21. Fundación Valenciaport and Generalitat Valenciana yesterday presented the Dual Vocational Training – Port Immersion project to the students of the training centres Luis Suñer Sanchís, Pere Boïl, Ausiàs March and Abastos.

This project will train students of the higher degrees in International Trade and Transport and Logistics as managers of transport companies, as well as freight forwarding and shipping companies. The students will receive a total of 2,600 hours of training, of which 800 hours will be work experience in companies in the sector (400 of which will be dual training hours paid by means of a scholarship).

The event was inaugurated by Manuel Gomicia, Director General of Vocational Training of the Generalitat Valenciana, who highlighted the importance of this programme as a pioneering initiative that seeks to adjust training so that it responds to the real labour needs of companies and facilitates the integration of young people into the labour market.

For her part, the Training Director of Fundación Valenciaport, Ana Rumbeu, presented in detail to the future students the curriculum that will be developed during the training programme between the companies in the sector and Fundación Valenciaport. She also took the opportunity to present the European project YEP-MED (Young Employment in Ports of the Mediterranean), co-financed by the ENI CBCMED programme, thanks to which the scope of this initiative will be significantly extended, as it is planned to train more than 500 young people in three years.

Afterwards, Yolanda Leiva and Benjamin Arroquia, teachers representing the Pere Boïl and Abastos training centres, spoke about the benefits for the students of participating in these initiatives. 

The event concluded with the intervention of Carmen Navarro, Deputy Director of Professional Education of the Regional Ministry of Education, who underlined the relevance of both projects in the generation of youth employment. “The training of qualified professionals is the key to ensuring the viability and competitiveness of the port industry, as well as employment for young people in the Valencian Community”.

The assessment period and interviews to select the students who will participate in the 1st edition of the FP Dual Port Immersion project are scheduled to begin on 1 April. The list of admitted students will be published on 15 May and classes will begin on 31 May.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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