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Fundación Valenciaport organises an event on sensor networks and environmental IT platform engineering for ports

Valencia – 17.03.21. Fundación Valenciaport, as coordinator of the Green C Ports project, has organised an online event on sensor networks and engineering of environmental IT platforms for ports, which will take place on 14 April.

The GREEN C PORTS global project, an initiative cofinanced by the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme, aims to provide a suitable array of digitalisation tools and technologies to support port environmental sustainability and performance of port operations in the TEN-T Core Network.

The ports of Valencia, Piraeus, Venice, Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven are collaborating in this project to reduce the impact of port operations on their cities, monitor emissions from ports and vessels, optimize handling of cargo in core ports and facilitate access and egress of cargo in and out of these core ports.

This online event will show the results of the first activity that has been completed as part of the Green C Ports project:

  • IT specifications and installation of the environmental sensor network at the ports participating in the project.
  • ​Implementation of the Port Environmental Performance (PEP) IT platform that will receive real time data from the sensor networks and from existing operating systems in each port (i.e. PCS, PMIS and TOS).
  • PEP IT platform end-to-end integration with existing systems and sensor networks.

The previously mentioned results are the first step of the pilots aiming to:

  • Decreasing port traffic congestion and reducing CO2 emissions for trucks entering and leaving the Port of Valencia.
  • Optimising vessel calls at the Port of Venice before and after port closure due to bad meteorological conditions.
  • Predicting air quality in the Ports of Valencia and Piraeus and generating notifications to stakeholders when certain tolerance emission levels are exceeded.
  • Predicting noise level in the Ports of Valencia and Piraeus and generating notifications to stakeholders when certain tolerance noise emission levels will be exceeded.
  • Predicting how ship-to-shore (STS) crane productivity will be affected by wave agitation, currents and wind and sending warnings 48 hours in advance to vessels programmed to call at the Ports of Wilhemshaven and Bremerhaven.
  • Informing shippers about the real emissions generated by their shipments in door-to-door transport chains between the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

The event will finish with a keynote speech by Sofia Papantoniadou, Project Manager at INEA, European Commission, on CEF2 Funding Opportunities for Sustainability Projects in the Multi-Annual Financial Period 2021-2027.

More information and registrations:

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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