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The IDB and the National Port Authority of Peru once again count on the Valenciaport Foundation for the implementation of the Callao Smart Port

Valencia – 05.05.2021. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the National Port Authority (APN) of Peru have once again requested the services of Fundación Valenciaport to complement the study for the implementation of the “Callao Smart Port”, completed last September.

This new collaboration will define a value chain that expands the dimensions of strategy and digital technologies, productivity, sustainability, people, safety and security of the port and is based on strategic planning. This is the continuation of previous work carried out by Fundación Valenciaport in the framework of the Smart Ports Toolkit project, an initiative financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and which was coordinated by the APN Digital Government Committee with the support of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR).

On this occasion, the aforementioned study (Manual, Diagnosis, ILRO, Roadmap) will be complemented, adapting it to the principles of strategic planning and giving it a more synthetic and visual graphic aspect through various explanatory infographics.

In the process of this project, the Fundación Valenciaport team, led by its Director of Digital Transformation, Miguel Llop, will meet with representatives of the APN and some of the most relevant companies of the Callao port community to validate the results generated and adapt the content based on the comments that may arise in these working sessions. After these meetings, the final deliverable will be generated, which will include a Risk Register based on the PMBOK guide developed by the Project Management Institute.

Smart Ports Toolkit

The Smart Ports Toolkit or Smart Ports Manual is a tool created by Fundación Valenciaport to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of the process of transforming a port enclave into a smart port. This document, to be used by the port authority and/or port terminals, is based on the identification of international best practices, listing different smart port initiatives and including a list of quantitative and qualitative indicators that can be measured in order to monitor and assess the development achieved.

In the case of the Port of Callao, the project also proposed: strategies to follow, emerging technologies to implement (Big data, Blockchain, IoT, Distributed Ledger, AI, ML), barriers to face and challenges to take on, which will allow the port to progress from an initial level of internal digital transformation to a hyper-connected port.

Fundación Valenciaport has implemented this initiative, not only in the port of Callao, but also in the ports of Valparaíso and Ventanas (Chile) and in the port of Kingston (Jamaica), and is finalising the project in the port of Montevideo (Uruguay). 

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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