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The ARSINOE project will build an ecosystem for innovative climate change adaptation solutions

Valencia, 14.10.2021.- This morning was held the kick-off meeting of the ARSINOE project (Climate-resilient regions through systemic solutions and innovations), an initiative co-financed by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme, coordinated by the University of Thessaly and in which Fundación Valenciaport participates as a partner.

The main objective of ARSINOE, with a total budget of EUR 15 million, is to develop and implement innovative climate change adaptation measures and solutions across Europe. ARSINOE will continue the work developed in the ECCLIPSE and CRISI-ADAPT projects to address the problem of climate change adaptation from a holistic and multi-sectoral point of view, analysing how it affects key sectors for the economy, such as transport, but also citizens’ quality of life. 

Acknowledging that climate change is complex and strongly connected to other global challenges, such as food security, water scarcity, biodiversity depletion and environmental degradation, it is insufficient to use traditional approaches to innovation that focus on only one aspect of the problem. On this basis, ARSINOE will analyse the impacts of climate change on a region’s ecosystem, using a three-tier approach: 

– Integrating technological, digital, business, governance and environmental aspects with the development of climate change adaptation pathways, in order to meet the EU Green Deal targets for specific regions.

– Basing project development on close cooperation with local stakeholders, whose knowledge is essential for the identification of vulnerabilities to climate change and subsequent implementation of adaptation measures.  

– Fostering the sustainability and growth of the ecosystem by promoting specific business models.  

As a result of the ECCLIPSE and CRISI-ADAPT projects, ARSINOE will have models for predicting the effects of climate change, both in average variation of climatic parameters (average temperature or sea level rise) and in the evolution of extreme weather phenomena (DANAS, wind, waves, fog, etc.). In addition, an initial identification of the vulnerabilities to climate change of the three ports managed by the Port Authority of Valencia (Valencia, Sagunto and Gandía) is being carried out. This project will address this identification in greater depth, interconnecting the necessary adaptation measures in the ports with those of other economic and social sectors with which port activity is related. 

On the other hand, ARSINOE will make it possible to identify the strengths that the new socio-economic scenario represents for the ports managed by the APV.

Nine very diverse regions across Europe will demonstrate this triple ARSINOE approach as a proof of concept in terms of applicability, replicability, potential and effectiveness. These are the Athens metropolitan area; the Mediterranean ports of Piraeus, Limassol and Valencia; the river Main in Germany; the Ochrid/Prespa cross-border lakes; the Canary Islands; the cross-border Black Sea, including Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey; Southern Denmark; Torbay and County Devon and the Mediterranean island of Sardinia.

Discover the ARSINOE video on Youtube to learn more about this concept:

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46024, Valencia (Spain)
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