Valencia – 02.02.22. This morning, the pilot event of the CyberSANE project organised by Fundación Valenciaport was held in a virtual format at the Port of Valencia.
CyberSANE is a European project, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, in which an advanced, configurable and adaptable system has been designed to manage security and privacy incidents in critical infrastructures by collecting, compiling, processing and merging all the individual information related to these incidents. The aim is to ensure the integrity and validity of infrastructures, helping decision-makers to understand the technical aspects of an attack and to draw conclusions on how to respond.
Specifically, the pilot consisted of testing and validating the CyberSANE system in the context of a cyber-attack scenario on one of the port platforms for sharing the weight of containers (VGM) between the companies of the port community involved. To this end, two different scenarios have been defined. In the first, the attackers accessed the VGM services to modify the weight of a container, gaining control of a technician’s computer by spoofing an email with malware (hostile or intrusive software), allowing them to hack access to the server and make the change. In the second scenario, the attackers’ objective was to slow down part of the port activity by disrupting VGM’s services. In this case, the attackers obtain the login credentials of the Dark Web, and gain access to stop the services, while removing the evidence of their access.
In both scenarios, it has been verified how the CyberSANE platform detects and notifies each of the steps executed in the demonstration, allowing security managers to take the necessary actions.

In order to validate the benefits and features of the CyberSANE approach, two other pilots covering different sectors identified as critical for security and finance will also be carried out. These are a solar energy production, storage and distribution service operated by Lightsource Labs in Ireland and a real-time patient monitoring and treatment service provided by Klinikum Nuremberg in Germany.
The project is coordinated by PDMFC (Portugal) and involves 15 partners from various EU member states with different areas of expertise to address the development of the CyberSANE System and the appropriate validation of the scenarios. The partners are: Atos (Spain), Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (Italy), S2 Grupo (Spain), INRIA (France), Maggioli (Italy), Ubitech (Cyprus), Institut Jozef Stefan (Slovenia), Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece), Sphynx Technology (Switzerland), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Sidroco Holdings (Cyprus), University of Brighton (UK), Fundación Valenciaport (Spain), Lightsource Labs (Ireland) and Klinikum Nuremberg (Germany).