- This conference is part of the Ports and Skills project whose objective is to define the bases of a European training plan for ports
Valencia, 7 April 2022. – This week the first face-to-face meeting of the European project “Ports and skills: compare vocational training systems to address the port work changes” was held in Valencia, an initiative financed by the Erasmus + programme and whose objective is to define the bases of a European training plan in ports that, while respecting individual national regulations, identifies the common elements applicable throughout the EU.
This project, in which Fundación Valenciaport is actively participating, will focus on the exchange of good practices in the field of continuous training for the development of innovative professional skills.
During the development of the project, 4 conferences for the exchange of good practices are planned, which will be held in the countries of the project partners (Italy, Holland and Spain) and in which the competences and skills required in the future in the port logistics sector will be analysed.
The first of these conferences will be held in Valencia, from 9 to 11 May, under the title “New port skills and competences: a new approach for carriers and stevedores and new competences related to the energy transition”.
From 1 to 3 June, another conference will be held in Rotterdam, focusing on issues of automation and digitalisation in ports and port education. In addition, the third day is scheduled for September in Venice, which will deal with the safety and security of passengers in cruise and commercial terminals. Finally, the city of Livorno will host the fourth conference, which will take place from 4 to 7 July and will deal with safety and security in the organisation of port terminals and the impact of digitalisation, automation and environmental sustainability.
This project, which began in May 2020 and will end in October 2022, has as partners the Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale (coordinator); the Province of Livorno Sviluppo; STC Group; Consorzio Formazione Logistica Intermodale de Venezia and the Valenciaport Foundation.
Fundación Valenciaport plans to extend the invitation to the best practice exchange days to members of the port community, vocational training institutes with teachings linked to the sector, and research personnel with extensive experience in the definition of professional profiles.