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Fundación Valenciaport presents the results of the MED OSMOSIS project

Valencia, 05 July 2022. – Fundación Valenciaport presented today the results of the European project on maritime surveillance MED OSMOSIS in a transfer and capitalization event for Spain and Portugal, which was held in a mixed format, at the facilities of the Port Authority of Valencia and also online.

The objective of this workshop was to present the results obtained in the framework of the project and to share them with those Spanish and Portuguese entities working on the same topics, as well as to give them the opportunity to present their most recent developments. To this end, experts from different administrations and R&D centers participated and exchanged regional, national and European experiences.

The MED OSMOSIS project, co-financed by the Interreg MED program, aims ultimately to improve the governance of maritime surveillance by sharing information between the different actors working in this field.

The MED OSMOSIS partners have structured a web platform in an integrated maritime surveillance environment that provides a standardized and open information exchange that currently does not exist in the Mediterranean. The project has also examined the maritime management and monitoring needs for the analysis and correlation of environmental data, in the general aspect of maritime monitoring and control, and has defined boundaries and zones in the design of the maritime space in order to incorporate alternatives and scenarios on the application of measurements derived from different national institutions.

During the conference, several results of the project have been presented, highlighting the tool designed by the Institute of Marine Sciences of the CSIC called COSMO VIEW. It is an open source interactive GUI (Graphical User Interface) tool developed in Python and conceived to work with ocean data. COSMO-VIEW is able to access multiple data sources, both local and remote, and pays special attention to ocean velocity fields and tracking trajectories. In order to provide a first assessment on search and rescue operations at sea it can overlay many ocean forecast products (e.g. Copernicus) with other sources of marine observations (such as satellite imagery, radar HF velocity measurements or ocean weather buoys).

In addition, the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Institute of the French Navy has also developed an application to improve the management of warnings in the marine environment. This is a national nautical information web platform called PING, which is a shared information system dedicated to the transmission, processing, digitization and dissemination of nautical information online. This development represents an important step towards the interoperability of emerging national digital systems for the safety of navigation in Europe.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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