Valencia, 21 December 2022. – Last Monday, Fundación Valenciaport received at its facilities the 96 students who are studying the Advanced Vocational Training in International Trade “Port Logistics Specialisation”.
This initiative, a pioneer in the port logistics sector, seeks to respond to the need raised for years by the port community of Valencia to incorporate vocational training students with knowledge of the sector into their companies. Thanks to the cohesive work carried out by the General Directorate of Vocational Training of the Generalitat Valenciana, the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), the Propeller Valencia association and the Fundación Valenciaport, the Port Logistics Specialisation is now a reality.
This programme, which was approved by the resolution of 1 June 2022 of the General Directorate of Vocational Training of the Generalitat Valenciana and published in the DOGV on 7 June, adapted on an experimental basis the curriculum of the higher level training cycle of International Trade of the professional family of Commerce and Marketing to the professional profile of port logistics, thus responding to a need for specialised training demanded by companies with a modern and innovative dual vocational training.
During the years 2022 and 2023, the programme will be delivered within the framework of the European project YEP MED (ENI CBCMED), which aims to adapt vocational training programmes linked to the port logistics sector to the real needs of companies, in order to facilitate access to employment for young people.
The students of the participating public high schools (Grao, Pere Boïl, Mislata and Ausiàs March) receive 60 hours of training in port management during their first year of the course, to which 60 hours are added during the second year, in which they work in a simulated company environment, which is a clear benefit for the companies in the sector as they will have to invest less time and money in training the students they incorporate into their workforces.
On Monday afternoon, the classes began with an opening ceremony presided over by the General Director of Vocational Training of the Generalitat Valenciana, Manuel Gomicia; the Director of Strategy and Innovation of the APV, Juan Manuel Díez; the General Director of the Fundación Valenciaport, Antonio Torregrosa; the President of Propeller Valencia, Alfredo Soler, and the Director of Training of the Fundación Valenciaport, Ana Rumbeu.