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Alianza Net-Zero MAR will hold its first congress on decarbonisation in the maritime port sector in Valencia.

Durante los próximos 28, 29 y 30 de noviembre, el Puerto de Valencia acogerá el primer Congreso y Exhibición de la Alianza Net-Zero MAR
  • Throughout the congress, the maritime energy transition and the impact of the Fit for 55 package on the sector will be discussed. In addition, successful cases of electricity supply to ships in ports will be shared.
  • The congress will include an exhibition of technological solutions for decarbonisation, designed by leading companies in the sector.

Valencia, 20th November 2023. – The Port of Valencia will host the first Congress and Exhibition of the Net-Zero MAR Alliance on 28, 29 and 30 November, an event organised by Fundación Valenciaport, in its role as technical secretariat of this initiative, in collaboration with the Port Authority of Valencia (APV).
One of the great challenges for the maritime sector and the ports in the coming years will be the decarbonisation of their activities.

Although maritime transport is one of the most energy efficient modes of transport, and despite the progress made in recent years, the sector is still almost exclusively dependent on fossil fuels.

In this context, the Net-Zero MAR Association, whose main objective is to promote the decarbonisation and electrification of the national maritime port sector, has designed an event consisting of two types of activities.

On the one hand, a full programme of conferences and discussion panels will be held with the participation of top-level representatives from companies and administrations; and on the other hand, the congress will include an exhibition area in which technological solutions for decarbonisation, from leading companies in this field, will be on display.

Throughout the congress, the maritime energy transition and the impact of the Fit for 55 package on the sector will be discussed. In addition, successful cases of electricity supply to ships in port, also known as OPS or Onshore Power Supply, will be shared and their possible business models in Spain will be discussed. Finally, the existing aid programmes for financing decarbonisation projects in the sector will be presented.

All this will be possible thanks to the participation of high-level speakers, institutions and companies with a high environmental commitment and which are success stories for this industry, including Nelson Mojarro, Head of Innovation and Partnerships of the International Chamber of Shipping; María Guillén, Policy Officer, Low Emission Future Industries (DG RTD) European Commission; Marcos González, Deputy Head of Unit Carbon Markets and Clean Mobility (DG CLIMA) European Commission and Ricardo Batista, Policy Officer (DG-MOVE Waterborne Department) European Commission; among others.

Details of the event

On 28 November, from 16:30h to 19:00h, the inauguration of the exhibition area will take place in the Clock Building of the Port Authority of Valencia.

On 29 November, in the Assembly Hall of the Port Authority of Valencia, the conferences organised in collaboration with the EALING project, an initiative that promotes the deployment of electricity supply systems to ships, will be held from 09:30h to 13:30h.

Finally, between 29 November, from 13:30h to 16:30h, and 30 November, from 09:00h to 17:00h, a private event will be held in the Clock Building for members of the Net-Zero Mar Alliance, or those interested in registering for the event.

**More information and registration:

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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