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Fundación Valenciaport participates in the CLARION project, which will boost climate resilience in European ports

  • The initiative proposes an open innovation ecosystem to promote collaboration between ports at an international level on sustainability and climate resilience
  • CLARION has a budget of more than 8 million euros, co-funded by CINEA’s Horizon Europe programme

Valencia, May 13th, 2024. – Last week, the kick-off meeting for the CLARION project ‘Climate Resilient Port Infrastructure’ took place in Delft, the Netherlands. This initiative aims to foster inter-port collaboration to improve the climate resilience and sustainability of European ports.

The project, led by the Technische Universiteit Delf and in which Fundación Valenciaport participates, has a budget of more than 8 million euros, co-financed by the Horizon Europe programme of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).

For the development of the project, CLARION will implement ten pilot tests, spread between the ports of Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp and Constanta, focused on making port infrastructure and transport between the territories more resilient and sustainable.

Among the objectives of the project are the implementation of smart docks and monitoring systems for the corrosion of port infrastructures, as well as the reuse of dredged sediments.

On the other hand, CLARION seeks to establish an Open Innovation Ecosystem that promotes collaboration at international level between the participating ports and the stakeholder community.

During the development of the project, Fundación Valenciaport will be responsible for leading the process of jointly defining the climate resilience needs established by the port operators. This includes identifying the needs of the entire port community through a participatory approach, involving all the stakeholders. In addition, workshops will be held in each of the ports in order to validate their needs and establish a collaborative network.

CLARION Consortium

In addition to Fundación Valenciaport and the Technical University of Delft, 19 other European entities are participating in the CLARION project: Port of Rotterdam, Port of Antwerp-Bruges, Hamburg Port Authority, Portul Constanta, Acciona Construcción, Ingenieria Especializada Obra Civil e Industrial SA, Stichting Deltares, Erevnitiko Panepistimiako Institouto Systimaton Epikoinonion Kai Ypologiston, RESDEV, Inlecom Innovation, Magellan Circle – European Affairs Consultancy, Infra Plan Consulting, Hogere Zeevaartschool, Brabo Havenloodsen en Bootlieden, Research Driven Solutions, Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation, DFDS, Contecht GMBH and Sixense Engineering.

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