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Fundación Valenciaport obtains 35 million euros from the CEF program for the cluster

  • These projects are SEMAS-EMSWe, OPS Valenciaport, TRAMA and 5G Valenciaport projects, three of them coordinated by Fundación Valenciaport.
  • The Port Authority of Valencia will receive, within the framework of the OPS Valenciaport project, 24 million euros to electrify its docks.
  • Puertos del Estado will receive nearly 3 million euros for the implementation of the maritime single window at European level thanks to the SEMAS-EMSWe project.
  • APM Terminals, CSP and Trasmed, together with the APV are some of the entities actively participating in these projects.
  • Fundación Valenciaport has also supported the Generalitat Valenciana to obtain 27.6 million euros for the construction of the Multimodal Logistics Platform in Parc Sagunt II.

Valencia, 16th September 2024. – Fundación Valenciaport has obtained four projects, SEMAS-EMSWe, OPS Valenciaport, TRAMA and 5G Valenciaport, in the latest calls of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Transport and CEF Digital), initiatives that entail a grant of 35 million euros in total for the Valenciaport cluster and whose kick-off meetings will begin in the coming weeks.

According to the general director of Fundación Valenciaport, Antonio Torregrosa, these four projects, three of which will be coordinated directly by the entity, are funded in European calls “extremely competitive, in which the best proposals are selected to promote trans-European transport networks”.

The SEMAS-EMSWe project – Smart European Maritime Space through the European Maritime Single Window environment, which has a budget of about 30 million euros (50% financed by CEF funds), will allow the implementation of the European Maritime Single Window (EMSWe) in seven Member States (Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands, Finland, Italy and Slovenia), with the aim of harmonizing the electronic exchange of the necessary information on the arrival, stay and departure of ships in ports (Regulation 2019/1239/EU).

Specifically in Spain, the SEMAS-EMSWe project will allow the adaptation to the European environment of the current maritime single window (DUEPORT) by Puertos del Estado – a partner that will receive about 3 million euros – the adaptation of the INTEGRA2 system to the new information to be communicated through this maritime single window and the connection with the administration bodies involved.

The implementation of the European Maritime Single Window environment is one of the projects and regulations established in the European Union with the greatest impact on the digital transformation of EU ports and which will allow maximum harmonization and interoperability in procedures and formalities that until now are different in each Member State or even in each port.

The general objective of the OPS Valenciaport – Onshore power supply for containerships, ferries and cruise ships in the Port of Valencia project, which has a budget of around 80 million euros (30% financed by CEF funds), is to prepare the Port of Valencia’s electrical network for the supply of electricity to container ships, ferries and cruise ships. Specifically, the different docks of the container terminals of APM Terminals and CSP, as well as the cruise and ferry terminal of Trasmed, will be equipped with the necessary infrastructures, installations and equipment to enable the supply of electrical energy to ships docking at their docks.

The TRAMA project – Optimisation of the TRAffic Management and infrastructure capacity in the port of Valencia, with a budget of just over 8 million euros (50% financed by CEF funds), aims to optimize traffic management in the Port of Valencia. Focusing on both maritime and land transport (road and rail), the initiative will enhance digital platforms, using new technologies and innovation to improve the capacity of transport infrastructures and services, while promoting modal integration.

Finally, the 5G Valenciaport initiative – Implementation of a private 5G Stand-Alone solution in the Port of Valencia, with a total budget of around 6 million euros (75% financed by CEF funds), aims to install and implement a private 5G Standalone (SA) telecommunications network in the Port of Valencia. This network will provide coverage in port areas with the aim of implementing a series of services to facilitate the operation and digitization of the Port of Valencia.

Support for the Generalitat Valenciana

On the other hand, Fundación Valenciaport has supported the Generalitat Valenciana to obtain 27.6 million euros for the construction of the Multimodal Logistics Platform in Parc Sagunt II, which will have access to both the Mediterranean Corridor and the Port of Sagunto. The development of the new multimodal infrastructure for the transport of goods will contribute to improve the connectivity of the hinterland of the ports of Valencia and Sagunto, as well as the competitiveness of exporters in the Sagunto area, which has a high presence of heavy and agri-food industries. It will also facilitate the growth of the existing industrial zone in Parc Sagunt, where a Volkswagen-led ecosystem for the development of electric vehicles is taking shape.

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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