The objective of the project is to develop a product based on Blockchain that will be used to track & trace movements of different types of assets as a given operation is executed. The project considers that the market for the application of this type of track & trace applications (T&T) is enormous and unlimited, although it will focus initially on capturing clients and interest in the logistics-port sector. Producers use T&T to guarantee quality to consumers, logistics operators use T&T to provide information on the status of the shipment, ports use T&T for digitalisation, public administration uses T&T to fight illegality, etc.

B2T2 intends to develop the reference application for track & trace assets throughout their life cycle. As a practical case, the product will be tested for tracking the movement of goods from a point of origin to a point of destination. During the project period the product will be designed, developed and implemented and business relationships with potential customers will be established. Some pilot projects will be launched in Valencia and Genoa in order to start marketing and sales.

The motivation of the project is that the logistics and transportation domain is experiencing a disruptive transformation both at the technology level and at the business level.

Technology level transformations are due to digitization, and more specifically to the pervasive diffusion of smart mobile terminals, to the progress of artificial intelligence and of internet of things technology and to the introduction of blockchain technology to support disintermediation.

Business level transformation, partially depending on technology transformation, are mainly due to globalization and more specifically to the evolving roles of operators. The project aims to help SMEs in their digitisation so that they are not left behind and can also take advantage of new technological developments.

The project also has the specific objective of creating a Port Transaction Management System (PTMS) based on blockchain technology focusing on integration and federation. Integration refers to the connection between the PTMS and the supply chain management system of global logistics operators, which are progressively adopting blockchain technology, whereas federation refers to the connection with other ports, inland terminals and rail freight corridors.

The Project is led by the Italian company SIS Informatica e Sistemi SRL.

Other companies that participate are:

– Telecom Italia TIM (IT)

– Infoport Valencia (ES)

– Fundación Valenciaport


EIT Digital

DATE: September 2020 - December 2021

LOCATION: Valencia and Genoa

CONTACT: Miguel Llop Chabrera
Digital Transformation Director

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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