The BlueBARGE project will play a crucial role in the transformation of the maritime port sector towards the goals of electrification and decarbonisation at European and international level, by proposing the design and development of an energy barge that will support the supply of electric power for moored and anchored vessels.

In doing so, it will limit pollutant emissions following a modular, scalable, adaptable and flexible design approach that will facilitate its commercialisation by 2030. The initiative will address the issues of power supply integration, interconnection of the barge with the vessels and with the port and local power grid, as well as operational safety and regulatory compliance, providing a complete and highly available power supply solution.

Among the main advantages of the electric barge is the speed with which it can be deployed in different locations as required, reducing the need for costly and time-consuming infrastructure upgrades in ports and harbour anchorage areas. Moreover, the barge can be equipped with a variety of alternatives with respect to renewable energy supply and designed accordingly to support a modular approach, based on containerised energy supply modules. BlueBARGE will introduce a novel hybrid concept combining the higher energy density of lithium (Li-ion) batteries with the innovative solution of vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB), which introduce increased safety and service life.

The proposal will serve both ships at anchor, including container ships, tankers and cruise ships, as well as supplying power to ships moored in areas where the deployment of OPS (Onshore Power Supply) infrastructure is limited or unavailable. It will thus be able to ensure the supply of energy in areas of difficult access where the supply from the port’s electricity grid is limited.

The project includes the completion of a feasibility study, the formulation of a sound operational strategy and business plan, as well as the identification of possible sources of financing. A small-scale prototype will also be developed and tested in a real controlled environment.

Role of Fundación Valenciaport

Fundación Valenciaport will lead work package 4, focused on the evaluation and optimisation of the performance of the BlueBARGE barge design. This work package will include, among other tasks, the definition of key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the performance of the barge and the exploration of different design alternatives. An analysis of the technical feasibility, financial and economic aspects will also be carried out, together with the assessment of social and environmental impacts.

On the other hand, Fundación Valenciaport will contribute its experience in port operations, risk assessment of the use of alternative fuels and the implementation of OPS systems in ports.


Horizon Europe

DATE: January 2024 - December- 2026


CONTACT: Josep Sanz Argent
Director de Transición Energética y Sostenibilidad

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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