IMAGINE-B5G – Advanced 5G Open Platform for Large Scale Trials and Pilots across Europe

The IMAGINE-B5G project aims to create an advanced and accessible end-to-end (E2E) 5G platform for large-scale trials and pilots, providing a set of Beyond 5G applications, enabled by the integration of advanced disruptive 5G technologies.

The project will support 3GPP Release-17 and beyond features, which are crucial for the deployment of private networks in real operational conditions to enable advanced 5G services that are driven by the industrial needs and requirements of a wide variety of verticals: PPDR, media, eHealth, education, transport and logistics.

IMAGINE-B5G has established a comprehensive plan to incorporate third parties (e.g. SMEs, industry and researchers) through Open-Calls (40% of the project budget will be dedicated to open calls, i.e. EUR 4.6 million).

The functionalities integrated in the B5G platform will enable these advanced 5G vertical applications to be demonstrated at scale and will allow the project to identify and validate new 5G KPIs (key performance indicators) and KVIs (key value indicators). IMAGINE-B5G brings together four advanced 5G experimental facilities in Norway, Spain, Portugal and France. These facilities will capitalise on the previous 5G-PPP infrastructure (ICT-17) and vertical test projects (ICT-19) by reusing platform components and extending the existing capabilities of these facilities.

Two use cases in the field of PPDR (public protection and rescue operations) will be realised in the Port of Valencia:

  • Critical surveillance and inspection in a seaport – IMAGINE-B5G will enable critical surveillance and inspection with UAVs in the port of Valencia through the use of B5G capabilities. Optimal 5G coverage will be provided by seamlessly combining private and public 5G network services.
  • Remotely controlled multifunctional vessel – IMAGINE-B5G will provide advanced 5G connectivity and edge computing capabilities which, combined with the use of an immersive cockpit via XR and haptics, will enable the remote control of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) in the port of Valencia. The USV will be remotely driven between its base mooring and the site of the emergency, where it will carry out the necessary rescue, signalling and inspection tasks.

Fundación Valenciaport will lead T3.3 on the execution of trials, while contributing to the definition of KPI/KVI, requirements, planning and verification of the maritime use cases. It will also participate in the execution of trials and pilots taking place in the Port of Valencia. It will contribute to the validation of KPIs and KVIs related to implementation, management and social aspects for E2E trials carried out in the port. In addition, it will contribute to the organisation of activities related to the Open-Calls and the user selection process and to provide technical support to external experimenters.


Horizon Europe

DATE: January 2023 - December 2025



CONTACT: Miguel Llop Chabrera
Digital Transformation Director

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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