The main objective of this project was to define, calculate and monitor a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that are useful for processes aimed at improving the productivity of container terminals in the Port of Valencia:
- Diagnosis of the situation of each terminal
- Proposal and development of improvement measures
- Monitoring and evaluation of improvement measures
Specifically, the aim was to have a scorecard to monitor improved productivity in terms of:
- Reducing containers’ transit time through the port
- Reducing the time of ships’ port calls
- Improving the productivity of loading and technical-nautical services
- Reducing the number of incidents involving these services.
To achieve this, information was collected from the terminals, Marítima Valenciana, S.A., MSC Terminal Valencia, S.A. and TCV Stevedoring Company S.A., as well as from proprietary data sources belonging to the Port Authority of Valencia and the stevedore contracts through SEVASA-APIE. All this information was incorporated and managed using the balanced scorecard (BSC).
In general terms, the key indicators of this BSC can be grouped as follows:
- Traffic structure (import, export, transhipment, full/empty, 20/40)
- Terminal performance (of cranes, ships, yard equipment, etc)
- Terminal gates and yard (gate movements, length of stay of trucks, rotation, etc.).