Puerto Cero Innovation Plan

The Valenciaport Cluster Innovation Committee is the governing body of the R+D+i Plan of the port-logistic community where the agenda and innovation actions to be developed in the coming years are discussed. It is led by Fundación Valenciaport and has the participation of 18 other relevant companies in the port logistics sector. It allows monitoring the actions defined in the first R&D&I Plan that was drawn up with the support of the APV and the Valencian Innovation Agency in 2018 and updating it when necessary.

The Puerto Cero Innovation Plan that was defined in 2022 is currently in force. It is divided into 4 major objectives framed in 4 areas:

  • Zero inefficiencies thanks to the support of digital systems.
  • Zero emissions, which includes the fight against climate change and the development of low-emission technologies.
  • Zero attacks and accidents, referring to improved security and safety, both physical and cyber.
  • Zero barriers to ideas, through a commitment to open innovation and the development of technological innovations.

The Committee brings together the knowledge, resources, experience and structures necessary to stimulate and promote the cluster’s strategic projects. Currently, the Committee has 3 active working groups:

  • Group 1. Artificial intelligence and value-added services, which seeks to exploit the possibilities of transformative technologies in port activity, among which Artificial Intelligence, including Machine Learning, has a prominent place.
  • Group 2. Maritime operations, whose lines of work include the operational digitalization of maritime ports of call, the analysis of the impact on port call times and the synchronization model for maritime ports of call, among others.
  • Group 3. Security, which seeks to always go one step further in protection and cybersecurity, with the use of technologies that include unmanned vehicles, both aerial and marine.

The working groups are the seed of many R+D+i projects that are developed in the port and that allow the implementation of new systems in the companies that improve the efficiency of operations.

CONTACT: Salvador Furió Pruñonosa
Director de Innovación y Desarrollo del Clúster

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00



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