SEANERGY – Sustainability educational programme for greener fuels and energy on ports

The SEANERGY project aims at supporting the creation of the best possible setting and conditions for the EU energy transition, through the development and implementation of sustainability and educational path centred to the port ecosystem. The SEANERGY Project will contribute to provide a solution to this challenge through the creation of the SEANERGY Master Plan (MP), which is meant to be an aggregator of information and guidelines that will allow all the port-industry’s stakeholders, regardless of their geographical context, to assess, plan and execute the necessary activities towards transforming ports into clean energy hubs. As a result, the MP can be the main reference for all port institutions approaching the preparation of an environmental and energy planning documents. Activities such as training, reskilling, awareness spreading and communication channels creation, will set the basis of the green port transitioning, creating spaces of dialogue and teaching among all agents of the industry (academia, private and public), which will boost the development and integration of these technologies, along with prepared professionals that will be able to manage and implement them promptly, securely and efficiently. Complementarily, the project will develop a SEANERGY Handbook (HB) which will serve as a tool for MP users to help them navigate throughout the information through video modules, explaining the key relevant aspects of each section, as well as supporting the information’s adaptation to the regional context.

Fundación Valenciaport will participate in the SEANERGY project with the following tasks:

  •  Demonstration site of the Master Plan and the Handbook
  • Coordination of the development of a catalogue of energy transition technologies for ports.
  • Development of a training programme on energy transition for the Valenciaport port community.
  • Dissemination of the activities and results of the project in Latin America.


European Commission, H2020 Programme

DATE: October 2022 - March 2025


CONTACT: Josep Sanz Argent
Director of Energy Transition and Sustainability

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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