TOURISMO – TOURism Innovative and Sustainable Management of Flows

TOURISMO - Proyecto

The TOURISMO project recognises that a shift towards conscious and sustainable tourism requires innovative approaches, the involvement of different actors in the ecosystem, the improvement of the tourism experience and a greater engagement of end-users.

The initiative aims to address these challenges by using innovative technologies and novel services to help monitor and manage tourism flows. Building on the foundations laid by the HERIT-DATA project, TOURISMO will continue to drive innovation through new methodologies and tools in areas of high tourism pressure.

The improvement of flow management will be carried out through the development of a platform for monitoring and decision making in the following Mediterranean pilot cities: Malta, Florence, Rhodes, Valencia, Split, Varna and Limassol.

The approach is based on the use of information from various data sources, as well as presence measurement technologies that will be tested in situ; such as thermal cameras, passenger counters or drones, among others.

Its objective will be to measure tourists’ location, flows and behaviours, supported by an enriched version of the HERIT-DATA platform, developed and managed by the University of Florence.

The consortium includes a variety of destinations, each with unique characteristics. Among these, we find UNESCO sites, ports, city centres, beaches or parks, from 7 Mediterranean countries; Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia and Malta.

We also find partners with complementary profiles, representing the entire value chain (development agencies, scientific experts or innovation centres), which allow testing solutions in differentiated environments, while ensuring a high degree of innovation.

Fundación Valenciaport will lead a pilot project whose main objective is to analyse, predict and manage cruise ship tourist flows in the city of Valencia, through the Internet of Things (IoT) and the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms capable of predicting cruise ship flows, providing information that can influence their decisions, and simulating future situations in different scenarios.

This pilot will explore new technologies to monitor the visiting experience of cruise passengers.

The pilot project will take advantage of the data obtained from the sensors previously installed with the HERIT – DATA project, and the complementary sensors installed in this project, as well as the information collected through other data sources (port management systems, city open data platforms, etc.) to develop intelligent algorithms capable of predicting metrics, simulating situations and producing support information capable of influencing tourists’ decision-making.

Likewise, Fundación Valenciaport will lead the first activity of the project, which aims to analyse tourist habits and flows, review the tourist indicators to be collected, compile complementary data and specify pilot actions in the selected areas.


European Commission, INTERREG MED Programme. Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

DATE: May 2023 - October 2025


CONTACT: Carolina Navarro Correcher
Director of Port-City, Mobility and Cruises

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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