VET_LOGICC – Responsive, Innovative and Inclusive vocational education and training in transport and logistics in Colombia and Costa Rica (ERASMUS)

Ports are enclaves that generate employment, wealth, and economic impact. The training of qualified professionals is the key to ensuring the viability and competitiveness of the port industry.

The VET_LOGICC project will reinforce the Vocational education and training (VET) system on two Latin-American coastal countries (Costa Rica and Colombia) relevant for the maritime transport and international trading thanks to a 3-axis methodology based on Education &innovation, governance and the relationship with the labour market.

VET_LOGICC will contribute to the development, employment and economic growth in Colombia and Costa Rica by means of developing an inclusive and sustainable network of educational and sectoral institutions as well as better equipped individuals and organizations in the transport, logistics and port sectors thanks to an innovative methodology based on: Curriculum Review & Development, Skills training on Terminals and Port Operations, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digitalization and International Mobility.

VET_LOGICC will transfer to Costa Rica and Colombia the successful experience in training that the ports of Valencia and Rotterdam have had for more than 30 years (supported by three experienced European entities on education and innovation: Fundacion Valenciaport, STC International and CINOP). Two technical vocational educational institutions, Sena (Colombia) and Cunlimón (Costa Rica) will be acting as end user of the VET program with the purpose of i) enhancing the skills and knowledge of the instructors and students, ii) having a better link with the industry and iii) establish long-term partnerships, between the EU and Latin America. The Colombian University Uninorte will facilitate the link between both Latin American VET entities and the European educational bodies. The knowledge generated will be expended and replicated among Europe and Latin American countries thanks to an outreach campaign.


European Commission, Erasmus + Programme

DATE: February 2023 - February 2025

LOCATION: Colombia, Costa Rica, Spain and the Netherlands

CONTACT: Ana Rumbeu
Training Director

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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