PCS View projects Port Community Systems (PCS) are configured as digital platforms that enable different systems in the port, and in some cases even systems external to the port community itself, to connect to each other. These systems would otherwise function in isolation, leading to the emergence of silos, duplications, inefficiencies and errors in data recording and reporting in logistics and transport operations. PCS also speed up and optimize the formalities associated with the control processes carried out by regulatory bodies. The creation of a PCS in a port community is a complex project; key elements for the success of such a project include diagnostic analyses, feasibility studies, the design of business models, the development of a portfolio of services and the involvement of the port community.

Fundación Valenciaport has extensive experience in the diagnosis and definition of PCS projects, as well as in preparing the portfolio of services for this type of platform, developing business models, and designing and characterizing all the processes associated with port logistics. Notable examples of our work related to the creation of a PCS include the studies, designs, development, operation, marketing and/or evolution of various PCS projects in Spain, Argentina, Chile and Australia. Fundación Valenciaport has also collaborated with members of the International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA) to develop PCS, and has worked on specific projects relating to innovation in PCS within the framework of European projects and programmes.
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Other digital platforms View projects In addition to PCS, ports require multiple digital platforms if they are to become smart, digital ports. The different technology platforms that form part of the port ecosystem include financial and business management platforms (ERP); terminal operating systems (TOS); port management systems (PMS); logistics and transport management systems; industrial systems and platforms for connecting and monitoring sensors, devices, infrastructure and equipment (SCADA, IIoT); rail infrastructure management systems (TAF/TSI); or management and control systems for operations and formalities relating to foreign trade and transport at border (Single Windows, Customs Management Systems, Foreign Trade Control Agency Systems, etc).

The activities carried out by the digital transformation department include the improvement and use of all kinds of digital platforms. Fundación Valenciaport participates in various different cutting-edge research projects involving new technologies and their application in digital platforms, using all this knowledge to create new platforms and improve existing platforms, at both European and international level.
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Digital strategy and ICT View projects The digital transformation of the port into a smart port requires not only the use of digital technologies, but also an appropriate digital strategy and personnel transformation. A Smart Port cannot exist without Smart People. In this regard, an important component is the training, change management, transformation and personal skills acquisition needed to provide an appropriate response to the new challenges of a smart port.

Fundación Valenciaport contributes to the definition of digital strategy and the use of ICT in different areas. To that end, it is involved in developing and updating the plans for port authorities' and port companies' systems, and in drafting industry standards and policies to promote the digital transformation of ports and their port communities.
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New technologies View projects Industry 4.0 fosters the digital transformation of industry through the introduction of technologies that fuse the physical world (devices, materials, products, equipment and facilities) with the digital world. This connection enables devices and systems to work together to create Smart Industry. Like previous industrial revolutions, Industry 4.0 is viewed as the next major breakthrough in productivity and people's way of life. Thus, Fundación Valenciaport is working to prepare the port, maritime and logistic industries for their adoption of all these new technologies.

Fundación Valenciaport has developed and promoted multiple research projects relating to Industry 4.0 technologies, aimed at their optimal implementation to meet the needs of our clients and partners. In this section, you can find out about Fundación Valenciaport's participation in projects dealing with IoT, Big Data, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity.
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46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00



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