CEDIPORT More info CEDIPORT is the documentation centre of Fundación Valenciaport and the Port Authority of Valencia.

Its primary objective is to provide support to the technicians of the institutions to which it belongs, assisting them with their documentation and information collection processes. It also seeks to be an indisputable point of reference in port-maritime documentation for other professionals of the port community, as well as for researchers and students.

As a documentation centre, CEDIPORT has a specialist library structured around the key topics of transport, logistics, port-maritime law and legislation, economics and international trade, ports, coasts, environment and engineering, with a notable section on “container market analysis”.
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Market Intelligence More info The ultimate objective of the Market Intelligence area is to make available to the Port Authority of Valencia and the port community an integrated and dynamic system of exhaustive and quality information that will enable them to take decisions in a globalised market of increasing complexity, both in terms of the processing and creation of statistical databases and indicators, and in the processing of this information in different types of analysis. More info Training Plans More info The continuous training of workers is one of the fundamental pillars of business success and is necessary to maintain the competitiveness of companies.

Isolated training actions are efficient to alleviate some specific shortcomings, however, for training and development of human resources to be a lever for organizational change, it must be materialized in a comprehensive and permanent training plan that responds to the training needs and priorities in the organization.

In this context, the Fundación Valenciaport, at the request of companies, detects training needs, determines the objectives to be covered and then defines the corresponding Training Plan.
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IMARPORT More info The Office for the Promotion and Financing of Innovation in the Maritime Port Cluster (IMARPORT) is an initiative of the Fundación Valenciaport whose objective is to help companies in the maritime-port sector to participate in R&D&I projects and calls for grants for the implementation of digitalisation solutions, energy transition, productivity improvement, among other topics, both in calls for national and European R&D&I programmes and for the deployment of innovative solutions. More info CSR Plans More info Since 2004, Fundación Valenciaport has developed a solid track record in implementing plans and measures and producing reports related to corporate social responsibility. Public and private entities that decide to take a step forward in this direction can find support from Fundación Valenciaport, enabling them to undertake studies and diagnostic analyses, form their teams, generate strategies and policies, as well as establishing practices in all related areas, such as good governance, labour, equality, the environment, mobility, or the social dimension. All this is in line with current European and global trends that seek to ensure that all spheres contribute to achieving sustainable development. More info

Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00



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