Market Tracking View projects At present, there are multiple sources of information that continually provide material that may be worth taking into account in the decision-making process. However, in order to draw expeditious conclusions, they first need to be systematically processed.
Since it is impossible for companies to carry out this task on a regular basis, Fundación Valenciaport has taken on a leadership role and periodically carries out a series of projects aimed at producing up-to-date, processed information on the market situation, such as the databases or the market alerts.
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Sectoral Studies View projects Transport demand is a demand stemming from trade flows. As such, all the aspects related to the design and planning of logistics and transport are conditioned by the structure and evolution of the economic sectors.

Fundación Valenciaport has been systematically carrying out studies of different product sectors and of varying scope, in order to facilitate the diagnostic analyses and planning of companies and institutions. The studies focus on characterizing the macro and microeconomic factors that define each sector, as well as their legislative framework, business structure, logistic particularities and analysis of future prospects, among other aspects.
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Traffic Forecast / Demand Analysys View projects Traffic forecasts and demand studies are one of the key exercises when it comes to defining investment projects, as they will determine both the size of the project and its future viability. For this reason, it is crucial to produce an accurate characterization of the current demand structure and its drivers, as well as the future projection of these traffic flows.

To that end, Fundación Valenciaport has developed a methodology for demand studies that combines the use of econometric tools, primary statistical analysis, macroeconomic and sectoral studies, and field work with qualified informants. This methodology provides an assurance framework for carrying out forecasting exercises.

Fundación Valenciaport has a wide portfolio of projects in this area, notable among which are the traffic forecasts in the field of transport.
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Financial and Cost Benefit Analysis View projects The criteria of financial and economic profitability are among the determining factors in the selection of any investment project, both from the perspective of private investors seeking to define their business portfolio, and from the point of view of public institutions when it comes to allocating funds to promote different practices.

In this regard, Fundación Valenciaport has an in-depth knowledge of the main reference methodologies accepted by the European and national institutions in the field of investment product assessment. This knowledge is the result of an extensive track record in presenting grant proposals and providing national and international technical assistance in the area of financial and cost-benefit analyses. These analyses cover all aspects of the activity of the Foundation itself; that is, planning of port infrastructure and transport, digitization projects, energy supply infrastructure, transport elements, business models, etc.
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Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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