Cyber Security View projects The growing development of information and communication systems, as well as their interconnectivity, has contributed to the exponential rise in intangible virtual threats referred to as “cyber-attacks”, which are increasingly impacting the maritime sector. One case worth noting is the “NotPetya Ransomware” attack on a major shipping company, perpetrated in 2017. It affected the operations of dozens of terminals, which were rendered inactive for several days.

Against this backdrop, Fundación Valenciaport, conscious of ports' interest in protecting their information systems, participates in different initiatives aimed at identifying the security measures that ports must implement to better protect themselves against a cyber-attack.
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Safety View projects Port services, traffic control and surveillance, infrastructure maintenance, and worker safety are key aspects for the smooth functioning of a port. Thus, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the port enclaves and facilitate their growth, the latest technologies and tools are used to, for example, tackle hydrocarbon pollution, improve fire prevention or firefighting, or respond to potential accidents quickly and effectively.

In this context, Fundación Valenciaport, through its participation in European projects, collaborates closely with different agencies and organizations to define improvement processes. It also seeks to identify innovative technologies that facilitate ports' decision-making on certain risk and/or emergency situations.
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Security View projects In the port maritime area, threats such as terrorism, illegal immigration, trafficking in drugs or other illegal substances, place ports in a position as key agents at the forefront of protection management. A clear indication of the scale of this problem is the quantity of directives and legislation in force. The International Maritime Organization (IMO), within the framework of the SOLAS Convention and through the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, sets out how to prevent risks stemming from terrorist threats against international maritime transport.

In this context, one of Fundación Valenciaport's strategic lines of action is the challenge of innovating towards a "secure port". Therefore, it actively participates in projects and initiatives aimed at achieving better protection of both the port facilities and the people working in them.
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Sede APV - Edificio III, Avda. del Muelle del Turia, s/n
46024, Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 393 94 00


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